Friday, September 06, 2013

The 1st Battle... for Narnia and for Aslan! (movie view)

First, in the movies of Narnia so far, there was the battle against the White Witch and her forces. Though the evil side had many more troops (like Peter said, "I bet they help!") they DID NOT win. Aslan helps.. a whole lot! You cannot fail with Him on your side!

So.. at first both the sides advance to their "spots". Then Peter and the other Narnians fighting let the evil side  tire by running across 2/3 or so of the huge field. After that Peter says the whole "For Narnia and for Aslan" thing. Next, THEY charge.... and then the two armies clash. Pretty much the biggest thing is the white witch making lots of Narnians to stone.  Peter fought her, and then Edmund did, breaking her wand. He gets terribly hurt. Last, Aslan comes, and kills her or something like that. And at the VERY end, Lucy heals Ed and a lot or all of the others! THE END.

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